12.9 C
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Following confidential discussions Dorset Eye has identified some of the key reasons why some venues have cancelled hate speaker Katie Hopkins. https://dorseteye.com/weymouth-bournemouth-and-southampton-cancel-katie-hopkins-events/ Following news of Katie Hopkins’ ‘show’ at Weymouth Pavilion not going ahead in May, there has been considerable online support and dissent. It is unclear whether the ‘show’ was cancelled...
Despite Richard Drax and his apologists not getting it the land behind 'The Great Wall of Dorset' is only in Drax's ownership because of what many Barbadians call the 'Black Death'. White rich people dotted around the planet living off the proceeds of exploitation and the murder of slaves. The...
On Tuesday night, BCP Councillors used their last meeting before May’s elections to ask the Dorset Pension Fund, to move ‘all remaining energy investments in the pension fund to sustainable energy investments by the end of 2024’. Effectively this means, stop funding fossil fuels, go invest in renewables. Campaigners from...
Compare the juxtaposition of Boris Johnson and his sociopathic supporters and this poor man. He breaks down in tears recounting the purgatory he and his family suffered whilst Carrie Johnson danced around No10 singing The Winner Takes It All and Boris and his cronies partied repeatedly. And if one chooses...
A quite brilliant thread from the awesome Russ Jones. There's the government and media's lies and racism and bullsh*t...... and there's the FACTS! (Tom Lane) We all think we're rational human beings. So let's put that to a test in a little thread, with sources. This is for those who are in...
Peter William Bone FCA MP (born 19 October 1952) is a British Conservative Party politician who served as Deputy Leader of the House of Commons in 2022. He has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Wellingborough since 2005. Like most of his Conservative colleagues he is as thick...
Following a determined effort to have a number of venues U turn on their booking of hate merchant Katie Hopkins three venues have so far cancelled her shows on her upcoming tour. Weymouth, Bournemouth and Southampton have showed the decent way but others are still holding out including Blackpool...
Attorney General Suella Braverman tells Commons that not breaking the law is unpatriotic
Fascist language is always very similar. Fascist policies too fit a very narrow paradigm. It is authoritarian and refuses to take responsibility. It is blame others and construct a superiority narrative. To run off a checklist against many western politicians and governments take a look at this. https://dorseteye.com/the-14-characteristics-of-fascism/ Now to Suella Braverman....
In 1999, following the murder of Stephen Lawrence, the black teenager stabbed to death by a white racist gang in Eltham, South East London, an investigation was set up by four years later by the then Labour Home Secretary. Under the chairpersonship of Lord Justice Macpherson the report, published...
Researchers and computer scientists at Bournemouth University have developed a dynamic online game to teach children how to keep safe from cyber bullying, data theft and other threats they could face online. This week, a team of AFC Bournemouth’s Junior Cherries came to campus to try out the game. CyGamBit has...