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Saturday, May 18, 2024
  ESFA admits to redacting information about Aspirations Academy for fear of ‘damaging public confidence…’ Dorset Council are now voicing their own concerns. Dorset Council’s second letter requesting that the Secretary of State agree to a delay in the forced academisation process of Budmouth College in Weymouth was made public this week. Rt Hon...
The DfE has released the following: The UK Clinical Review Panel has recommended that under 18s should no longer be considered *clinically extremely vulnerable* and removed from the Shielded Patient List. What has changed? The vaccinated are still in hospital. The vaccinated can still spread the infection. People are still...

Don’t get spiked

There’s been a shocking increase of drinks being spiked in pubs & nightclubs recently, leaving some people hospitalised with serious side effects and others in other dangerous situations. It’s important to share to spot the signs that your drink may have been spiked. Other advice being given from police forces &...
Dorset Council Trading Standards have carried out a test purchasing operation in Dorchester and Weymouth to identify businesses selling age restricted products to underage people. 11 retailers were targeted based on intelligence received, including from members of the public who believed they had witnessed underage sales. A 15-year-old volunteer asked to...
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Dorset AONB, our Landscapes for Life photo competition is looking to capture the landscape that is a big part of YOUR life. Sixty years ago, almost half of Dorset was officially recognised as OUTSTANDING – an astonishing mix of beautiful landscapes and great views....
Today, 25 June, the Climate Change Committee are releasing a report that states the Government is failing to meet its 2050 zero carbon target, a target that is already dangerously too late. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act 2008.  Its...
Every day, you hear in the media reports about people that die of hunger across the world. As hunger is continuously on the rise, many individuals do not know where their next meal is coming from.  Unfortunately, a massive part of this population that experiences hunger comes from the cluster...
After many years and experience in the working world, I've decided to start something new again. I will be offering training courses for teenagers / young adults starting in November! Due to increasing demand, each course starts on the principle of first come, first served. Content: Coaching and practical tasks One module runs...
A play about young carers in Salford that “knocked MPs sideways” is about to embark on a national tour.The show, Who Cares, was written by Matt Woodhead and co-produced by The Lowry and LUNG. It was made in partnership with Greater Manchester charity, Gaddum and its Salford Carers Service...
A fantastic new idea for Halloween during this Covid-19 pandemic. ???? STAY SAFE ???? We all shared rainbows in our windows to support our NHS and Carers, we could do the same with pumpkins, creating a pumpkin trail. Children can then go on a pumpkin hunt in fancy dress around their...