4.6 C
Friday, January 10, 2025
February 2021:- Even though Lockdown 3.0 shows no sign of easing anytime soon and the weather turns icy cold, there are many ways to enjoy half-term and indeed those post home -schooling hours this February and on into Spring for both children and grown-ups.  This half-term coincides with several national and international events which can inspire all sorts of fun activities and dressing-up. Chinese New...
Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has reviewed labour market information throughout 2020 to assess what the dynamics of a rapidly developing pandemic and EU transition uncertainty has meant for the world of recruitment, employment and skills in Dorset.  Their recently published ‘look back’ report highlights that while unemployment did increase in 2020, it remained lower in...

In the Mind’s Eye

Rachel Fenner Rachel Fenner painted most of her paintings as a release after lockdown last summer, when she was finally able to visit ancient woodlands and the coast. Rachel was one of the first environmental sculptors in the seventies and eighties, working for councils all over Britain making public...
An appeal for children’s winter coats and warm pyjamas launches this Friday to keep children cosy at Christmas. 2020 has been a tough year for so many people and we want to make it just a little bit better for children and families in Dorset. That’s why we are asking...
We are having 2 Young People's Assemblies next week, exclusively for people aged 16-25 years. We will focus discussions on the future and what can must / can change to make it better. join the Zoom meeting via this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85399694343 Dorset Peoples Assemblies on Climate Emergency Dorset Council declared a climate...
Dorset Council declared a climate and ecological emergency in May 2019. Sincethen they have been gathering facts and writing a strategy and action plan.  The Strategy and Action plan are now out for public consultation until 20th January 2021.   Dorset Action with a range of partner organisations have come together to hold online People’s Assemblies to help people have...
Stand Up To Racism Dorset has received “sincere apologies” from Dorset Police after campaigners complained of racial profiling by the force on social media. When Weymouth and Portland police used an image of a young Black man to accompany a Facebook post on “county lines” drug dealing, Stand Up To Racism (SUTR) wrote to the Chief Constable and...
Plans to transform travel through a £100 million plus Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) investment in sustainable public transport infrastructure in south east Dorset are taking shape.  BCP Council and Dorset Council have published details of the proposed locations set to benefit from two connectivity corridors and four new cycle routes in...
The Grand Tour headline image
We're not sure when this was aired but whilst browsing the latest social media sensation 'TikTok', this beauty popped up.
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Dorset AONB, our Landscapes for Life photo competition is looking to capture the landscape that is a big part of YOUR life. Sixty years ago, almost half of Dorset was officially recognised as OUTSTANDING – an astonishing mix of beautiful landscapes and great views....