13.2 C
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
The whole interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2XRXK8DZJs  
The Sunday Times reveals details of a secretly recorded meeting from January 2019 in which Corbyn and his political secretary, Amy Jackson, assured Hodge his team would “never” interfere in anti-semitism complaints.
A longer sequence from a different source: Trump draws boos from World Series crowd
'Tactics: Defeat Theresa May in Parliament and then a 'No Confidence' vote. If that is not possible then we must have a 'People's Vote' and hand the ultimate responsibility back to the people. It is however possible to change Europe by not fearing right wing xenophobes and Tommy Robinon's....
After conducting an internal review DWP Secretary Amber Rudd has announced that the department’s treatment of Liverpool man Stephen Smith followed policy guidance.
Kudos to little girl and mum. Laura Fletcher
Folk legend singing 'Corbynista'.