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Thursday, May 2, 2024
You may recall that we recently introduced goats from Fancy’s farm on to the Verne Common Nature Reserve. Find out why they play such an important role to restoring the reserve, why the reserve is so special and more below, in partnership with Dorset Wildlife Trust…
Julie talks about the meaningful vote being postponed and what this could mean for article 50 and the future of Brexit and the EU.

Beat The Street 2018

You can see more about 'Beat The Street' at http://www.beatthestreet.me/weymoutha...
We at Speak Out want to say a huge thank you to NCS - National Citizen Service Dorset Team 6 for the incredible work they have done! Not only did they raise £230 through a cake sale but have put together this brilliant video for us to raise awareness around mental...
Racism is a business. Its marketing is so successful that even Akala looks sideways at a young black man holding a lot of cash. These racial assumptions lead to 'everyday' racism - daily encounters and micro-aggressions. It's time to recognise the relationship between top-down propaganda and the bias that we...
11:54 - A speech from Jeremy Corbyn outlining his views on the media landscape. 42:12 - A short Q&A with Maxine Peake
Has anyone asked what is not working and how we could do that better instead of how can we save money...?