11.1 C
Saturday, May 18, 2024
The long Winter and the short Summer nights will just fly by: p And as well as being very candid she is also very perceptive: https://dorseteye.com/miriam-margolyes-nails-anti-semitism-hype-in-labour-party/ https://dorseteye.com/millions-may-complain-to-ofcom-that-miriam-margolyes-did-not-go-far-enough/ https://dorseteye.com/miriam-margolyes-message-to-the-nation/ https://dorseteye.com/miriam-margolyes-message-to-the-nation/ Penny Lane Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/

A talking dog story

A man sees a sign outside a house - 'Talking Dog For Sale.' He rings the bell, the owner appears and tells him the dog can be viewed in the back garden. The man sees a very nice looking Labrador Retriever sitting there."Do you really talk?" he asks the dog."Yes,"...