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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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International News

Britain’s chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, enthuses about the crimes against humanity being perpetrated in Gaza by what he calls “our heroic soldiers"—yet, if you or I conflated the Jewish people with Israel, we’d be called antisemites. He then reveals that his son, Danny, is among the soldiers in Gaza....
Of course Douglas James is spot on again! Unlike many millions, it is not a good time to leave one's brains on the doorstep. How many more times do these political morons think they can use the MSM to spread blatant lies? TRANSCRIPT The only beneficiaries? The Arms...
The same arrogant, self-righteous posturing from the West that fuelled the Ukraine war is now plunging Europe into recession Outraged western leaders are threatening a price cap on imports of Russian natural gas after Moscow cut supplies to Europe this month, deepening an already dire energy and cost-of-living crisis. In response, Russian President Vladimir...

Is it time to boycott tea?

The following is extremely disturbing. It reveals sexual violence on a huge scale taking place at the tea plantations in Kenya. Many major supermarkets and outlets have links to these plantations and although some have responded positively when confronted we all know that when the noise quietens the bad...
Campaign Against Arms Trade welcomes the development of a possible peace deal in Yemen, following Houthi and Saudi delegations meeting in Sana’a for talks earlier this week. However, any just peace has to include recognition of the war crimes committed by all parties to the conflict, and it must...
Unless Trump has read the book and is copying Stephen King's novel this is uncanny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXfklsKGwBU Douglas James
Remember, before you read anymore, that the dead cannot defend themselves, and the living (in this case) have very rich and powerful propaganda machines. Newly unsealed court documents have revealed a list of names connected to Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, and alleged sexual abuse victims. Among those named are Prince...
The sooner as many people see this and realise what is going on at the top of the privileged fascist tree the better. Whether a Trump disciple or an arch enemy of this malignancy the world needs to know. That way no one can escape responsibility if they do...

I see you, Donald Trump

I see the rage slowly building in your face, a bad pumpkin carving of Les Dawson slowly collapsing in on itself as the rot sets in. I see you rolling your eyes, dismissing your critics with a gesture and a head turn, as deaf and blind to the bad...
According to Politico President Joe Biden has decided to set aside plans for a significant trade agreement with the U.K. in the lead-up to the 2024 election. Senate opposition and disagreements over the deal's scope have led to this quiet shelving. Earlier this year, the United States Trade Representative's office...