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Thursday, May 2, 2024
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International News

My advice lay off the cat nip for breakfast. In national accounts social benefits to households are broken down into two distinct categories: social benefits other than social transfers in kind; and social transfers in kind. The former transfers are typically in cash and so allow households to use the...
The tweet that sums up the owners of the clubs creating the superleague: https://twitter.com/susie_dent/status/1384040561573650436?s=20 It wasn't a shock, but that didn't make the manner it was delivered any less jaw dropping.The new "Big 12" - or dirty dozen - has been established after months of scheming behind the scenes. It didn't matter...

Murder at Marikana

In a tumble of boulders quite near the hill called Wonderkop, yellow spray paint defaces the ancient granite. This is not graffiti, yet something far worse than vandalism took place here, at the spot locals dismissively refer to as Small Koppie. One rock, encompassed closely on all sides by solid...
The Government has made an ad about the Coronavirus and its surprisingly honest and informative. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hks6Nq7g6P4&t=2s
More research is needed into climate change leading to societal collapse or human extinction, researchers have said, warning such potentially catastrophic results are "dangerously unexplored". A team of international experts led by Cambridge University said not enough research had gone into the possible worst case scenario, despite "ample reasons to...
In the US, is it true that when you ride an ambulance to go to the hospital, it costs money for the drive there? Why would it cost money for you to be taken there if you’re in emergency need? Yes. The day I learned that there are places in...
Jews in the Labour party and academics are finally exposing the UK establishment’s smear campaign to silence criticism of Israel and destroy the left. There has been a wave of highly damaging but unsubstantiated allegations of antisemitism against students and academics, according to a new survey of British universities. In 38 of...

The Boots Theory

Caroline Dennett, from Weymouth, Dorset spent more than a decade as a safety consultant working with frontline employees at oil company Shell. What prompted her to make a very public resignation from working with the company and urging others to follow suit? The resignation email: Following this very public resignation the...
AfD Alice Weidel
Whichever position you have adopted on the EU this is an absolutely must watch. Both sides of the debate have got things right and both sides have got things wrong. Here AfD leader Dr. Alice Weidel didn't pull any punches against the EU over Brexit. She lays it on the...