18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
Interview with former US National Security Chief, Zbigniew Brzezinski 'Le Nouvel Observateur' (France) Jan 15 1998 re support for 'mujahideen' in late seventies/eighties Afghanistan after Reagan declared them 'the moral equivalent of America's founding fathers'. (Could of course be Blair/Bush/Sarkozy being interviewed about their policy re Iraq, Libya, Syria, where the...
Secret documents found in the Australian National Archives provide a glimpse of how one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century was executed and covered up. They also help us understand how and for whom the world is run. The documents refer to East Timor, now known as Timor-Leste,...

We Must Talk About Cologne

Individual acts of this type happen all the time, I know, but we have here a rather different phenomenon - a huge number of attackers of one non-German ethnic/cultural/religious group (young male North African Muslim Arabs) appearing to work in concert. No doubt some of my friends will attempt...
Following the ISIS outrages in Beirut and Paris, John Pilger updates this prescient essay on the root causes of terrorism and what we can do about it. In transmitting President Richard Nixon's orders for a "massive" bombing of Cambodia in 1969, Henry Kissinger said, "Anything that flies on everything that...
This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Melissa Fleming – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at the press briefing, on 8 December 2015, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. UNHCR is releasing today the results of a preliminary questionnaire of over 1,200 Syrian refugees who arrived...
Why has so much journalism succumbed to propaganda? Why are censorship and distortion standard practice? Why is the BBC so often a mouthpiece of rapacious power? Why do the New York Times and the Washington Post deceive their readers? Why are young journalists not taught to understand media agendas and...
Marienna Pope Weidemann from Swanage is Volunteering/reporting from the refugee road through the Greek island of Lesvos. This is her first submission from the Greek island.   Lesbos, Greece - Police beatings, tear gas, hunger and chaos. It sounds more like the repression of the Arab Spring than an official UN registration centre...
Clue: We are told their economic mire has a lot to do with laziness.   EU ALL 37.4 FT 41.6 Austria 37.8 43.7 Belgium 36.9 41.7 Bulgaria 40.9 41.3 Cyprus 40.0 42.1 Czech Republic 41.2 42.3 Denmark 33.8 39.1 Estonia 38.6 40.8 Finland 37.4 40.3 France 38.0 41.1 Germany 35.6 42.0 Greece 42.2 43.7 Hungary 39.4 40.6 Ireland 35.0 39.7 Italy 37.6 40.5 Latvia 39.2 40.8 Lithuania 38.3 39.7 Luxembourg 37.0 40.5 Malta 38.8 41.4 Netherlands 30.5 40.9 Poland 40.6 42.2 Portugal 39.1 42.3 Romania 40.5 41.0 Slovakia 40.5 41.5 Slovenia 39.6 41.8 Spain 38.4 41.6 Sweden 36.5 40.9 UK 36.3 42.7 Yes that's it: Greece. According to the ONS (2011) taking all employment and averaging it the people of Greece work 6 hours a week longer than the people of the UK. The Netherlands work on...
This seems the clearest explanation of what is happening in the world today. It is one that the everyone should take seriously. US SPHERE OF INFLUENCE 1. The Arab Spring was a democratic uprising. It took the US by surprise. (Sarkozy had to drag Obama into Libya kicking and screaming.) 2. The...

The Sea of the Dead

Upon the waves The Swarm it floated, In coloured boats Much overloaded. To the gates of Hellas From Samarkand, To escape from hell They've fled their lands. And striking out Across the sea, Their prized possessions sat on their knee. Children as young as Two and four, They brought them with them By the score. They risked their future Their blood, Their kin? They're only trying To save...