15.7 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Liberal Pacifists Are The New Enemy Of Palestine. Despite the avalanche of propaganda from Western media outlets, not least the disgraceful coverage by our own BBC, attempts to paint Palestinians on the Gaza strip as aggressors and terrorists are failing. Instead, growing revulsion at Israel’s continuing bombardment of the most...
The United States was the only country in the world that voted Wednesday against the United Nations investigating human rights violations in Gaza unleashed by Israel's military assault. Of the 47 members of the UN Human Rights Council, 29 nations voted to set up a commission to launch an international, independent inquiry,...
In 1948, when Palestinians were driven from their nation where Israel formally declared itself a state, the Western world didn’t listen to Palestinians, who were represented as barbarians and extremists for resisting those who terrorised, dispossessed, maimed and slaughtered them, expelling them from their homes and land before declaring...
The Third Way march, with their Icons in “yes we can” Shepard Fairey style! WRITTEN BY HISAM ASHKAR, translated by Laila Attar and Ubiydah Mobarak News of the visits of fascist and far-right groups to Syria, to show solidarity with the regime, have recently started to emerge, especially with the beginning of...
Breaking rocks in the hot sun; he fought the law and the law won. Fortunately, for all of us, that victory – while long-lasting – was nevertheless only ever temporary, let's hope the crap spouted by Cameron et al dies down quickly.... Nelson Mandela spent so long, 27 years, breaking...
The nuclear power industry is suing Germany because it's phasing out its unpopular nuclear power stations. Tobacco giant Philip Morris is suing Australia for billions of dollars in lost profits because the government took action to reduce teenage smoking. And pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly is suing Canada for $500 million,...

A Tribute to Nelson Mandela

For Madiba Madiba, father of your nation, Spear of your nation, conscience Of our world. For so long a six Foot plus man in a six foot minus Cell. 46664; a status designed To demean but now a symbol Of that which is good in the Humanity of...
Thousands of British and American expats in Germany are living off unemployment benefit as calls to restrict payments to “welfare migrants” grow louder. Although Eastern Europeans are often the target of politicians wishing to cut benefits to foreigners, The Local has found thousands of Americans and Brits also reliant on...
Dead snake could be largest ever!
On the night of the 17/9/2013, 34 year old Pavlos Fyssas, a Greek anti-fascist activist and rapper was ambushed by about 40 members of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn (GD) gang after leaving a cafe in Keratsini, a working class neighbourhood in Athens. He was stabbed twice while police officers stood by...