21.6 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
For Labour: Jamie Lee Curtis For the Tories: Michael https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0JHjzFVISY Can you really imagine a Tory Live event? It would be a slasher movie with lots of pimms and neck bolts. The debates would all be about 'efficiency', 'effectiveness' and culling people via policy. Any young people would be cross eyed looking down their...
No doubt he will explain in due course and he appears to care not one jot that he is fast becoming one of the most unpopular politicians in the country, but this appears at first sight to be well beyond the pale even for him. Given his track record and...
When the 'Punish a Muslim Day' letters were first identified far right activists claimed that Muslims had created them themselves to garner sympathy. They now seem to have gone very quiet as their FAKE NEWS has been shown up and one of their own has been charged. Ironically their...
Believe it or not, Hyperthreading technology has been around for more than a decade and not many people know its roots, how it works or if its any good. I hope to explore the advantages and history of Intel's proprietary simultaneous multithreading (SMT) implementation technology and dive a little...

Memes of the Week 8/6/18

Send us your favourite memes and we will publish. Via Facebook or Twitter is best. Week 5.
For anyone hearing about the latest Times Poll that says Labour are 7 points behind the Conservatives… 1. As we said when polls were in our favour, if there is one thing the last 3 years has taught us, it is that polling, in general, is not currently that accurate...

Dacre Departs

Paul Dacre will move on as editor of The Daily Mail this autumn after more than a quarter of a century in the role. It's a chance to reflect on the current influence and narratives of right-wing establishment media in which he has played such a key role.  Described by...
'Another month has passed, and yet again I am writing on the Cabinet’s failure to agree amongst themselves on what kind of Brexit deal they want. It is all well and good for the likes of Rees-Mogg and Liam Fox to blame the EU, but when the Government can’t...
Around 15,000 racist and far right activists gathered in Whitehall today to back jailed ex-English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson. The event saw major clashes with the police and attempts to attack Stand Up To Racism and Unite Against Fascism activists who gathered to oppose the march. Robinson’s supporters were seen...
A year ago today the Tory party began its full descent into oblivion. They may have some mini ascensions along the way but their future is cast. They may have a plan up their sleeves of course; they are as we know snide and corrupt. It may be that...