19.8 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
Never mind that the new environmental watchdog will have no teeth. Never mind that the government plans to remove protection from local wildlife sites. Never mind that its 25-year environment plan is all talk and no action. We don’t need rules any more. We have a pouch of magic powder we can sprinkle on any...
History and Culture of Dorset Travelling People Romany Gypsies This is the largest group of travelling people in the UK. Originally thought to have originated from Egypt, they therefore became known as Gypsies. However, linguistic studies of English Romany in the 19th century suggested that their origins were from Northern India,...
Jeremy Corbyn statement: “Ken Livingstone’s resignation is sad after such a long and vital contribution to London and progressive politics, but was the right thing to do.” Shocked and surprised that he has succumbed to the right wing opportunism and forced the party to adopt a strategy of selective free speech...
*The MOT test works differently in Northern Ireland. The changes affect cars, vans, motorcycles and other light passenger vehicles. There are 5 main changes you need to know. 1. Defects are categorised differently Defects found during the MOT are categorised as either: dangerous major minor The category the MOT tester gives each item will depend on the...
Picking the single, most-nauseating aspect of today's nuptials was always going to be a tough gig. However, I'm gonna go with the vomit-triggering tsunami of woke sycophancy; how progressive, how diverse, how delightfully modern our wonderful Royals are. The idea that a family absolutely steeped in racism, Nazi sympathising and...
Coverage of this week's massacre of 60+ Palestinians has been predictably mixed.  While the right-wing press was fairly quick to go along with pushing an Israeli narrative. The Daily Mail did at least splash a large "bloodbath" headline on the front page. Some liberal platforms, such as The Guardian and Channel 4...
On Wednesday, Theresa May announced she was pledging £400m to remove Grenfell-style cladding but today, shortly after the release of a report on the Grenfell Tower blaze which ruled out an outright ban on combustible cladding, we are told that the government will now be 'consulting' on the cladding...
Send us your favourite memes and we will publish. Via Facebook or Twitter is best. Week 2:   ‪
Pitchfork Cosmonaut is an online publication which points both backwards and forwards – a past we must learn from and be inspired by (the pitchfork = revolution), and a future where humanity escapes its shackles (the cosmonaut). Content includes news, views and reviews, including satire, pop culture analysis and current...
Hopes for a further government inquiry into press misconduct were dashed this week as a Labour attempt to bring it back to life was narrowly defeated in The Commons. Throughout discourse on "Leveson 2", the billionaire press has been quick to conflate any attempt to scrutinise their too-often low standards, their bullying,...