14.6 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
As the decent wing of the Labour Party launch their campaign for the local elections and the Daily's Fail, Scum, Expire... along with the Tory Broadcasting Company (TBC)... dish out their self preservation lies and propaganda the message for the rest of us is neatly summarised in one song. Smile...
The child has now become a reflection of the parent. All this tutoring and comparing your child to other children is very unhealthy. Professor Jacqueline Barnes Nicholas Allen, the headmaster of Newton Prep School, London, and chairman-elect of the IAPS, said some parents were “reliving their own life” through their children. “The...
The Windrush scandal has dominated the news for the last two weeks. The story began with Caribbean Commonwealth migrants, resident in the UK for decades and entitled to British citizenship, who had been denied access to healthcare and the right to work, and who had been detained and threatened...
"Grassroots Black Left (GBL) is appalled by the expulsion of its member Marc Wadsworth, a life-long anti-racist. This decision brings the party into disrepute and we will fight besides Wadsworth to help him clear his name and get reinstated. The National Constitutional Committee hearing was based on a disciplinary process...
The Windrush scandal only blew up after 6 months of The Guardian covering cases of British citizens being detained, deported, denied work, housing, and benefits, or charged vast amounts for NHS treatment, which they were fully entitled to.  In recent weeks the issue has been a top reporting priority, with...

Talking Heads On Dorset Eye

Hi, welcome to the cheetah of citizen media. Powerful and direct it brings your news to the public; locally, nationally and internationally. All you have to do is register, submit and be published. No corporates. Independent news delivered by the public to the public. There are many categories but if you cannot find...
Marcus Moore, a former BBC scriptwriter who has worked for the last three decades as a freelance writer, theatre practitioner and arts consultant. It gives an excellent summary of how the Tories have corrupted our national broadcaster.

Jonathan Pie on Tory Racism

A brilliant takedown of the Tory's hostile environment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUfxkuC8b2o Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
It’s a humorous post but there is a serious message behind it. Fox-hunting is illegal in name only...it continues to be carried out week in, week out by people who just don’t give a monkeys about the rule of law. They hide behind the cover of trail-hunting like the cowards...

Amstrad man is at it again

Alan Sugar was knighted in the 2000 New Year Honours "for services to the Home Computer and Electronics Industry". In other words he was about to become a billionaire and the New Labour government thought that it would be a good idea to have him along for the ride....