18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
RISING UP - PEACEFUL DIRECT ACTIONS ON NOVEMBER 19TH https://compassionate-revolution.net/…/rising-staygrounded-…(They are looking for 200 volunteers - please spread the word!)  I am genuinely gutted at the almost total reporting black-out by the BBC on the massive CO2 consequences of Heathrow Expansion in most of their online coverage... Take Laura Kuennsberg,...

Nuclear Scam

With the French government owned EDF Board having potentially signed one of the most expensive suicide notes ever in corporate history, giving the go-ahead to the Hinkley C Nuclear Plant, Britain right now is teetering on the brink of the biggest corporate/political corruption scandal in its history. “Imagine for...
The unambiguous nature of this case was pointed out weeks ago. However, the desire of rich people to put a portion of their stash in to the pockets of solicitors and barristers to flex their puny muscles and inflated egos again appears to know no ends. A backdrop for...
We are in a crucial moment for the campaign against #LOBOloans that were mis-sold to Councils. For a short period of time during the summer, local residents have the right to object to their Councils’ accounts. This is an incredible opportunity for us to challenge the rent seeking corporations within the...
With such a disjoined reponse to why people made the choices on both sides of the Referendum debate this excellent short video focuses on those in northern English deprived communities and their rationales. Short documentary set in the former mining village of Stainforth, near Doncaster, in the wake of...
Conservative MEP Julie Girling has roundly rejected a suggestion by Spain that it could offer a joint-sovereignty arrangement to Gibraltar in the event of Britain leaving the European Union.  https://www.euractiv.com/ section/uk-europe/news/spain- suggest-joint-sovereignty- over-gibraltar-in-case-of- brexit/ Mrs Girling said: "I returned from a visit to Gibraltar last week with one message ringing...
Man caught on camera shouting at Muslim to 'go home'...despite him being born in Bristol. ‘Racist’ filmed in supermarket telling Muslim from Bristol to go back to where he’s fromAn elderly man has been caught on camera shouting at a Muslim to "go home" – despite him being born...
“No one likes the so say ‘compensation culture’, but likewise no one wishes to see those with genuine injuries ‘railroaded’ by large insurance companies”. Those are the sentiments of local personal injury solicitor Steven Simpkins who has joined other members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and...
Councillors, Citizens, MPs John McDonnell & Caroline Lucas & NGO's Pen Open Letter To Andrew Tyrie & Treasury Committee Calling For An Inquiry Into 'LOBO' loans Mis-sold to 250 UK Councils A group of local councillors, prominent Labour and Green MPs and civil society organisations are working together to investigate why George Osborne's Treasury and...
In the first decade of the last century, Europe was in turmoil. Russia experienced a revolution in 1905, suppressed by the Czar with the utmost brutality. Workers’ unrest began to escalate again in 1912 after a notorious massacre of striking workers in the Lena goldfields. At the other end...