10.9 C
Sunday, November 24, 2024
  Imagine all those millions of Wayne's up and down the country and on the Costa del Sol... Spreading their wisdom and acting as the unofficial PR for our great education system. Who needs school when we have Wayne's world? Wayne Morgan shares his wisdom and the reasons we are leaving the...
No holds barred from Mr Pie. The Dawn of a new era is marked by The Tories lying through their teeth and Remainers insulting everyone who voted differently to them. So exactly the same as the last era.   https://www.facebook.com/JonathanPieReporter/videos/219730085709078/
A Brexit Party MEP really sent this tweet out. Yes really. Why has she gone so early for the award? Oh yes because she will be irrelevant in less than a fortnight apart from her day job as the managing director of BFP Eastern Ltd, fish market auctioneers who operate...
There comes a point where reality is in itself both wondrous and disturbing. An acceptance that life itself is operating outside the realm of many people's consciousness. Where being  humiliated by clueless, dangerous and objectionable people becomes not only acceptable but welcomed. For anyone, let alone MP's, to suggest social...
It is called 'Work To You Drop Dead' (not the sexiest title one has to say) and apparently is all the rage in Japan. What happens is that the body gets so exhausted from being told to work more than is healthy and then one  day one drops down...
Please click on the link and help Mark be humane for once. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bigbenbrexitbong?fbclid=IwAR3D4P4GrnfDOHyoLu_2KaN1fHPj3DzEiLc-bZ5nRJjPFMmyCTCeDBDNmTM
'An American citizen, Robert Mercer (billionaire) funded both Leave Campaigns. That is totally illegal. The Brexit Vote was illegal.' https://www.facebook.com/pvwlancs/videos/609124769662249/UzpfSTE4MzI3NDU4ODI6Vks6MTI3NzE1Njc4OTE1MDUxMg/
  This will come as no surprise that a proposed New Clause 9 to the EU Withdrawal Agreement Bill, to ensure no Government Minister benefits financially from a hard or No Deal Brexit may not be selected for debate. Welcome to Boris Johnson’s “golden age”. (Peter Stefanovich) https://twitter.com/Debbie_abrahams/status/1214107314594205696?s=20
The man who lies to his reflection has pulled off an absolute stormer and conned over 13 million people. The questions are 'why?' And 'who for?' https://twitter.com/TheLabourLeftie/status/1212077550824042496?s=20
This explosive video was a warning and now it is the empirical reality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjUWX6S8iYU Those who voted for BOJO cannot ever say they were not warned: Brexit Campaign: Johnson was one of the leading figures in the campaign for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union during the 2016 Brexit referendum....