12.4 C
Thursday, May 9, 2024
With the public having swung behind a return to the EU and now only 4 in 10 believing Brexit was a good idea, let us take a look at its impact. There may be benefits to Brexit in the minds of some of those who voted to leave, but as...
The economy is crumbling, but a leading Leave campaigner refuses to accept that leaving the largest trading block on the planet has anything to do with it, even though all the evidence is contrary. Of course, it is not the only reason, but alongside GB Spews, the propaganda...
It is called 'Work To You Drop Dead' (not the sexiest title one has to say) and apparently is all the rage in Japan. What happens is that the body gets so exhausted from being told to work more than is healthy and then one  day one drops down...
To be fair embarrassing John Redwood is not challenging as he is exposes himself rhetorically for fun. Here is he yet again on his pet subject looking a 1st class moron. And here he is lying through his teeth and being demolished for it https://dorseteye.com/john-redwood-blatantly-lies-on-channel-4-news-and-is-told-so/ Being arrogant and dogmatic Mr Redwood means that...
Please click on the link and help Mark be humane for once. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bigbenbrexitbong?fbclid=IwAR3D4P4GrnfDOHyoLu_2KaN1fHPj3DzEiLc-bZ5nRJjPFMmyCTCeDBDNmTM
Former banker and Tory Lord, Michael Spencer donated £25k to Truss’ leadership bid. When asked to name a Brexit benefit he said remove the bankers bonus cap. A couple of days later, hey presto! Kwarsi Kwarteng announces the intention of removing the bankers bonus cap. WE DO NOT LIVE IN...
  Imagine all those millions of Wayne's up and down the country and on the Costa del Sol... Spreading their wisdom and acting as the unofficial PR for our great education system. Who needs school when we have Wayne's world? Wayne Morgan shares his wisdom and the reasons we are leaving the...
Soon, Britons will find a novel offering on shelves and in the haunts they frequent: a 568ml bottle, akin to the revered "pint" but filled with wine. This addition comes as a result of the country's post-Brexit freedoms, granting a reprieve from former EU regulations. The history of "pint-sized" bottles...
'An American citizen, Robert Mercer (billionaire) funded both Leave Campaigns. That is totally illegal. The Brexit Vote was illegal.' https://www.facebook.com/pvwlancs/videos/609124769662249/UzpfSTE4MzI3NDU4ODI6Vks6MTI3NzE1Njc4OTE1MDUxMg/
Whichever way one voted should not prevent an intestine aching response having watched this. Get near a loo. Beautiful. Martin Daubney physically unable to form the words required to break it to the viewers of GB News that their own poll shows that 55% would now vote against Brexit ????????...