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Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Read the report summaryRead the conclusions and recommendationsRead the full report The Treasury Committee has published a unanimously-agreed report as part of its decarbonisation and green finance inquiry: Net Zero and the Future of Green Finance. Financial products should have climate impact labelsGreenwashing of financial products must be preventedFCA should further...
Sue Gray! Suuue Gray!! All we hear from these despots is Sue Ffffing Gray. We want justice you sociopathic numpties. And when the corporate mainstream nail it surely, surely.... https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1483720478862856193?s=20 Remember we can take the power back https://dorseteye.com/jonathan-pie-f-you-i-wont-do-what-you-tell-me/ Douglas James If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a...
In declaring their support for Zionism, the three contenders for Corbyn’s crown are offering only the cynical politics of old In recent years the British Labour party has grown rapidly to become one of the largest political movement in Europe, numbering more than half a million members, many of them...
Imagine being transported back five years. Imagine that the corporate media had not lied day after day.... Imagine that we sought honourable caring people to be in government and not self interested demented LIARS. Imagine because that is all we have without action. Altruists not Arseholes. Brimming not Bankrupt. Caring not Callous. Decency not Disaster. Empathetic...
Conservative party rebels are "cautiously optimistic" that Prime Minister Boris Johnson can be forced to reverse a cut to foreign aid. Mr Johnson has been criticised from across the political spectrum for temporarily reducing foreign aid from 0.7% of national income to 0.5%, breaking a manifesto commitment. A total of 30 Tory...
On 11th November, three people were sentenced for their participation in the Bristol uprisings against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act on 21st March 2021. While many cases are still awaiting sentence or are going through the Courts, at least 15 people have so far been convicted of...
We know all about the right wing cancel culture brigade. Grade A hypocrites with the minds of a dung beetle under the heel of an elephant. https://dorseteye.com/dorset-eye-is-disgraceful-says-right-wing-pro-royal-family-cancel-culture-troll/ but it is interesting to see the Tories admit this is now their policy when it comes to vulnerable children. Although one could argue...
Priti Patel in all her gory Tory finery. And roll.... https://twitter.com/VerdiGg/status/1235564103118307329?s=20 Penny Lane    
Please click on the link and help Mark be humane for once. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bigbenbrexitbong?fbclid=IwAR3D4P4GrnfDOHyoLu_2KaN1fHPj3DzEiLc-bZ5nRJjPFMmyCTCeDBDNmTM
Responding to Andrew Bailey’s comments that he doesn’t think there is any lack of leadership from the Bank of England on climate change, Simon Youel, Head of Policy and Advocacy at Positive Money, said: “Andrew Bailey claims that there is no ‘lack of leadership’ on climate action at the Bank of England,...