Oh dear, oh dear, yet again, her compulsion to support Israeli Zionism and anyone who challenges it with base responses has fallen very foul. Following a sit-in at a Liverpool train station, Riley attacked the group by putting up an image of a Holocaust memorial outside the said station...
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz has run a fascinating long report this week offering a disturbing snapshot of the political climate rapidly emerging across Europe on the issue of antisemitism. The article documents a kind of cultural, political and intellectual reign of terror in Germany since the parliament passed a resolution last...
So, now Keir Starmer & Gen. Sec David Evans are briefing THE DAILY MAIL! saying, blatantly and with complete impunity, that they intend to continue to break Labour's own rules, the NEC decision, PLP standing orders and the EHRC rules. They've gone to one of the two most racist,...
What an absolute legend!
At the World Cup, an English supporter yelled "free Palestine" into the camera during a live Israeli TV coverage.
After England's 3-0 triumph against Senegal, a reporter questioned the crowd about whether or not football was "coming home." The group responded enthusiastically, "Of course it is,"...
Yet again The Prole Star come up trumps with a visual representation of reality. Everything we already knew encapsulated in one moving image.
Douglas James
Most of the attention has so far been on the herd mentality victims who agreed with the government that death is better than life. However, it appears that the police have bought in to it partially too. Some officers are wearing the protective gear but allowing the public to...
If you buy the meat of once living animals that were exploited, tormented, tortured and then slain AND you are a far right propagandist you deserve everything you get Sarah Vine.
Just paid £23.50 for two sausage rolls at Clapham junction station! Just a normal kiosk. Insane.— Sarah Vine (@WestminsterWAG)...
A care home operator based in Dorset has been accused by families across the county of treating their residents... with contempt. The BBC have found that 'families of residents at Agincare homes say they received an extra daily charge of £6.47 at the start of April.' Despite all of...
When will they get the facts right and then stick to them? When will they report what is real and not what they are being told to say by Conservative Central Office?
Their credibility is down there with a lead balloon and yet they continue to churn out this rubbish...
Having well and truly trashed the corporate media yesterday
Now he well and truly trashes the Tory government.
Mick Lynch of the RMT says funding cuts made by a "government of billionaires" are to blame for rail strikes - accusing ministers of 'telling everyone else they've got to tighten their belts...