From the safety of the Israeli embassy Ms Lipman spouts nonsense and lies.

The issue with being utterly dogmatic in one’s support and ignorance is that for anyone listening the person looks utterly foolish. Fair enough most people under 35 have never heard of her and to be fair they have not missed anything but that is not the point. If one opens one’s mouth in public at least have the courtesy to treat us as though we don’t live in a cave.

Spouting off and devoid of reality will not change anything in the long term. At some point in the future Israel will fall. To whom no one can be sure. By not playing the peace game and respecting one’s ‘neighbours’ eventually the hammer will fall and crush.

As any scholar of the middle east will admit, zionism is determined by organised religion but that from a political standpoint the religion is either less or more significant. “Zionist lefts” typically want a less-religious government and support giving up some Israeli-controlled land in exchange for peace with Arab nations. “Zionist rights” defend their rights to land and prefer a government based strongly on Jewish religious traditions.

Whichever, take away the religion/s and the prejudice and bigotry associated with the complex belief system/s will also expire. It does not matter the location or the belief. Once the dogma and prejudice become rooted, humanity and rational thought loses. People become determined by exterior forces upon their psychology and they then become puppets of a belief manufactured by long dead humans who were no more important than them. They become trapped in a dead people’s cave. In this case antisemitism without religion would not exist.

Belief should be personal. If one believes in a God or Gods then that is a private relationship. It does not need to be imposed upon others. Enable those others their own spiritual experiences and respect their beliefs whilst they do not construct harm for others.

Chris Williamson is right to take on Ms Lipman and her beliefs. Why? Because they bring nothing but harm and subjugation. Ms Lipman is espousing the words and actions of criminals and in a society that extolled love and understanding she would be arrested or banished. Given how corrupt most societies are though she is protected whilst the zionist project is defended. The day will come when this ends. What will the next phase look like? Better or worse? Time will, as always, tell.

James Finlayson

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