Below is straight from the Royal Navy sailor’s blog website. These guys have it well sussed, good poets too, and if England get booted out of European Championships, the referendum is well and truly over! Share with all you know!
‘Won’t you join our Common Market’ said the spider to the fly,
‘It really is a winner and the cost is not too high.’
‘I know De Gaulle said ‘non’ but he hadn’t got a clue,
We want you in my friends and I, for we have plans for you.
You’ll have to pay a little more than we do just for now,
As Herr Kholl said and I agree ‘we need a new milch cow.’
It’s just a Continental term, believe me mon ami,
Like ‘Vive la France’ or’Mad Anglais’ or even E.E.C.
As to the rules, don’t worry friend, there’s really but a few,
You’ll find that we ignore them, but they’ll all apply to you.
Give and share between us, that’s what it’s all about,
You do all the giving and we all share it out!
It’s very British is it not, to help a friend in need?
You’ve done it twice in two World Wars, a fact we must concede,
So climb aboard the Market Train, don’t sit there on the side,
Your Continental cousins want to take you for a ride!
Still rings true after all these years!
James Pulleine