A clip from Dan Wootton’s GB News show has been viewed nearly half a million times on social media. In it, the presenter makes this false claim:

“While the media talks a lot of the 150,000 deaths, perhaps they should have been talking about the number of people who died ‘of Covid’ not ‘with Covid’. That was just 17,371 up to the end of quarter three 2021.”

But during that time-frame, 131,762 deaths were registered in England and Wales with Covid as the underlying cause (i.e ‘of Covid’).

Mr Wootton’s figure refers to those who died of Covid-19 and had no pre-existing conditions. The ONS has called the use of this figure “highly misleading,” continuing to say:

“For those people dying from COVID-19, the most common pre-existing condition was diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic condition, that is serious and may make a person more vulnerable to other health problems, but this does not mean they were at risk of dying from it.”

This claim is popular online. On Monday, David Davis MP added to the chorus of social media users who described the data incorrectly on Twitter. 

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