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HomeDorset NorthDisgust, Denial and Desperation

Disgust, Denial and Desperation

Prime Minister,

I’m watching, with increasing delight, the ongoing local election results.  Most entertaining of all are the desperate attempts of your Ministers to try and talk up the situation while simultaneously having to maintain your now totally discredited Party line.

Gove, for example:  https://uk.news.yahoo.com/video/gove-reacts-local-council-vote-070555555.html  A flat “No” in answer to the question of whether or not the Tories’ performance is as bad as expected.  Then saying that people have not moved heavily in favour of the Opposition.  From where I’m sitting, the loss to your Party and the Liberal Democrats, of over 200 seats, in a roughly 50/50 split between Labour and UKIP, is a pretty strong indication of a swing to the Opposition, not to mention a gift to the Purple Pretenders which will, if carried on to 2015 (as is likely) spell economic disaster for the UK.  His claim that people have “concerns” about welfare, immigration, schools and so on is a blatant and cowardly attempt to dismiss the REAL reasons that people have moved their votes.  The rise in food bank use, which has escalated beyond all reasonable scope under your government, yet which your Ministers deny has any connection with welfare reform when such is so obviously the case, is one REAL reason.  Another is the continued abuse by MP’s on all sides of the House of the expenses system in cases which still make glaring headlines.  Yet another is the lack of any decisive action by your own office to get the police in to investigate and deal with the paedophile ring that is known to have had connections to your own Office.  In short, we’re saying that we’re sick to the back teeth of the lies and cover-ups that have been the hallmark of this government.  Psychosmiffy covering up the death figures that are related directly to welfare reform is one example; another is the result of the enquiry into Scottish independence that you are refusing to release.  the public paid for that information and we therefore have a right to see it.

And then Gove simply falls back on the now tedious to the point of wrist-slitting Party rhetoric which has absolutely no basis in reality.  The “long-term economic plan” which your government claims is delivering “prosperity” is doing no such thing.  Of the jobs that you say have been created, 1.4 million are in Workfare, paid for by the DWP at standard benefits rate and therefore of no value whatsoever to the taxpayers; another 1.4 million are zero-hours rated, meaning that those who are trapped in them have no chance of obtaining a mortgage or, in many cases, even convincing a landlord that they’ll be able to pay the rent without trouble.  That’s not prosperity, and the artificially generated housing bubble that your Help To Buy scheme has created is now being strongly criticised by the Bank of England, to the point where you can no longer disagree and will be forced to reduce the scope of the scheme in order to try and prevent what has to be an inevitable crash, with all of its attendant effects upon the financial and stock markets.  We’re heading for yet another recession, this time one that your government in its overweening arrogance, will have caused directly.  One can only hope that when it happens, those of you who have been responsible for it will be arrested, charged, convicted of deliberate malpractice in a public office, and jailed for a long time.

As for Gove to be praising the Home Secretary for her actions to date in trying to reduce immigration, this just goes to show your Party’s true colours.  May is still reviled by many for what was an outright racist ploy in the use of advertising vehicles.  All Gove has done by mentioning her is remind us of that despicable incident.

When he mentions welfare, the latest news – that Labour has gained two seats in Psychosmiffy’s constituency Seat of Chingford and Woodford Green (Labour Press Team @labourpress · 56 secs “And Labour have gained two seats from the Tories in Iain Duncan Smith’s Chingford and Woodford Green seat”) – can only be seen as a direct hit on the Work and Pensions Secretary’s performance which – let’s face it – has been utterly abysmal.

In closing, Gove denies, again with a flat “No” that there would be any co-operation with UKIP.  If the results of these local elections translate into similar statistics for the general election, I hope that Nigel Farage will take his injured pride and side with Labour.  At least, then, a Conservative minister will have told one truth while still in office, won’t he? 😉  As UKIP look set to take over from the LimpDumbs as the new king-makers, Gove’s public stance could well be your Party’s undoing in 2015.  Farage knows there would have to be compromises and might just figure that he could get Labour to commit to a Europe referendum in exchange for his people’s support in the House.  And, in all honesty, the local results suggest strongly that UKIP are poised to gain some seats in 2015.

I’ve been watching the Essex results with particular interest, noting that the voters there have been particularly kind to UKIP.  It was therefore a pleasant surprise to learn that it was Labour who scored the hit in Psychosmiffy’s constituency seat, rather than the Purple People Eaters.  But now Iain’s running scared, and it shows in his lashing out at Camden Council for the failure of the Bedroom Tax’s stated aims (Iain Duncan-Smith blames Camden).  It seems that Psychosmiffy has to learn one basic lesson, Prime Minister, which is that you cannot get a quart into a pint pot.  If you want people in large properties to move into smaller ones, then you have to provide those smaller properties.  However, thanks to Thatcher’s broken promise to permit local authorities to invest in replacement properties following the Right To Buy depletion of council stocks, those replacement properties were never built, were they?  And with Major having left Labour with no choice but to commit to the Iraq War on his way out of No10 they never had any chance of being built.  Unless Psychosmiffy was expecting people to be content to take up residence in telephone boxes, skips and workmen’s tents, it was pretty obvious that the Bedroom Tax was never going to achieve its stated aim.  Of course, the fact that the stated aim was not actually the real one should go without saying.  And, in fine and traditional Psychosmiffy style, it has FAILED to reduce the housing benefit bill, with the cost for this Parliament now expected to have RISEN by some £4.5 billion.

In matters of cost your government is completely failing to live up to the standards that the public expects.  I see that the latest trick to try and cover up Psychosmiffy’s blatant waste of public funds is to declare his Universal Train Wreck project as “re-set” meaning that it is now classed as a “new” project.  Well, if it couldn’t be made to work in four years, I fail to see how it can possibly be made to work within the single year that is left to your government, can you?  Man up and admit that this is nothing more or less than a Tory ploy to try and say that the UTW has “only cost £x, not £y as the Opposition have been claiming.”  This kind of political manouevre just goes to show what you and your think of the mental skills of the general public who pay your wages.  Yet there have just been published the results of a study which show that conservative thinking is directly responsible for prejudice, so I suppose we should not be surprised to discover that you consider us all to be mindless drones.  If you were correct it would be frightening, but the provision of well considered and equally well-written histories by a large number of highly intelligent people will not permit this latest attempt at deceit to stand for long.

Even those who are compelled, for fear of losing their own social positions of relative security – the front-line staff of Job Centre Plus – to impose Psychosmiffy’s draconian – nay sociopathic – regime upon people who need help, not punishment, are now beginning to realise that it is in their own long-term interests to turn against you.  (https://morningstaronline.co.uk/a-ea6b-PCS-Conference-Jobcentre-staff-demand-end-of-despicable-benefits-sanctions-from-Iain-Duncan-Smith)  Whether or not the PCS will actually have the balls to do what they should have been doing since 2011 and actively oppose this evil regimen remains to be seen.  Personally I’m not going to bet on it, but it has been somewhat reassuring to see that they’ve at least recognised that there is something badly rotten in what they are being required to do to meet the targets that Psychosmiffy denies – in the face of all solid evidence – are in existence.

In the time it has taken me to collect the links, watch the ongoing results, and chuckle into my cornflakes, the figures being provided by the BBC (probably not the ones they were hoping for) have started coming together.  The latest vote share change shows your Party DOWN by 6%, the LimpDumbs DOWN by 13%, UKIP UP by 14% and Labour and the Greens UP by 4% and 3% respectively.  Labour would probably have scored even better if they would set themselves in diametric Opposition to you instead of vowing to continue your government’s inhuman policies, and so they should take serious note of what the people are saying with their UKIP votes as well.

Based on this election’s showing, I think it is probably safe to say that we are seeing several large nails being hammered into the Tory coffin.  And why?  Because, as Gove so ably demonstrated in his interview, you are too inflexible and cowardly to respond to the wishes and concerns of the electorate.  Your thinking remains too firmly rooted in the rose-coloured image that you hold of yesteryear.  In the matter of war, in particular, there’s a poster doing the rounds this morning, quoting Eugene Debs:

Let the capitalists do their own fighting and furnish their own corpses, and there will never be another war on the face of the Earth.”  Too many have laid down their lives for capitalist greed and to keep the self-proclaimed “elite” in its parasitic position in UK society.  What you are seeing in the hazy outlines of this election, is the information that these days are finally coming to their inevitable end.  Ordinary people are no longer prepared to suffer as the pawns in your Debating Society chess games.  Think on, Prime Minister.


Darren Lynch

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