North Dorset’s new Local Plan has been adopted by the district council.
At a special council meeting on Friday 15 January 2016, council members unanimously voted to adopt Part 1 of North Dorset’s Local Plan. The policies within the document will form the basis for managing housing, employment and other development in the district until 2031.
The Inspector, who examined the plan and found it to be sound, mentioned that while settlement boundaries needed to be established for Stalbridge and some larger villages, he was satisfied that the district council’s approach supported sustainable economic development and met the housing requirements of the area.
The policies and supporting text of the plan were also praised for demonstrating commitment to conserving and enhancing the natural environment and responding appropriately to climate change.
Cllr David Walsh, North Dorset District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Planning, said: “The Local Plan process, which has lasted for a number of years, has involved many people. It has required commitment and patience from councillors and staff as well as members of the local community and a range of organisations. They have all played their part and I would like to thank them all for their contributions.”
More information regarding the Local Plan can be found at: