West Dorset District Council has approved a revised application from City & Country Residential Ltd for the H M Prison site in Dorchester.
Cllr Fred Horsington, Chairman of West Dorset District Council’s Planning Committee, said:
“We are pleased we were able to work with the developer and overcome issues which caused the application to be refused in August 2016.
“The whole committee is regretful that there is no provision for affordable housing within the development. However, we are satisfied that the financial viability assessment has been meticulously conducted.
“Once completed, the scheme will deliver much needed Open Market housing to the town centre and secure a long-term future for this heritage asset within the town’s conservation area.
City & Country Residential Ltd have now withdrawn their appeal to the original application and the public inquiry that is due to be heard next week will no longer take place.”
Reasons for refusal to the initial application in August 2016:
1. The proposed development, by reason of the height, position and bulk of the new buildings to the southern end of the former carpark in North Square would have an adverse effect on the amenities enjoyed by existing properties in North Square, particularly nos 12, 14, 16, by way of loss of light and loss of outlook and would appear as an overbearing element in the street scene in relation to these properties. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy ENV16 of the adopted Local Plan.
2. The proposed design of the new build elements within the walled section of the former Prison, would have a negative impact on the setting and character of the former Victorian prison buildings by reason of scale height and position relative to the existing buildings being retained and the proposal would therefore be out of keeping with the setting of this part of the Conservation Area and thus contrary to Policy ENV12 of the adopted Local Plan.
Full committee reports can be found on dorsetforyou.com.