Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council is introducing a trial gate closure to motor vehicles at the Whitecliff Gate entrance to Poole Park and a public consultation on a possible permanent closure to this gate.

From Wednesday 17 January 2024, the trial gate closure will be in place 24-hours every day at the Whitecliff Road and Twemlow Avenue entrance and exit point of the park, which will prevent motor vehicles entering or exiting.

This is an extension to the current closure in place Monday to Saturday, from 7.30-10am.

The other vehicle access and exit points, and parking (including disabled parking) in the park are not affected by this proposal. 

Whilst this trial gate closure is in place, the council will launch a four-week public consultation; seeking the views of local residents, businesses and visitors to the park on whether to make the closure permanent.

People who wish to give their feedback will be asked whether they support the closure, and their reasons.

The trial will be in place until the results of the trial and consultation are evaluated.

Cllr Andy Hadley, BCP Council’s Portfolio Holder for Climate Response, Environment and Energy said:

“Trialling a closure of this entrance to the park alongside an online public consultation gives our residents the opportunity to comment, having seen how these proposed measures affects them and others.

“Reducing traffic in Poole Park could benefit both park users and the special wildlife who inhabit the park. The park also plays an important role in the council’s active travel network and this proposal aligns with our commitment to promote active and sustainable travel, and support everyone to live active and healthy lives.

“I would encourage people who do use the park to experience these changes before the middle of February and see for themselves the difference this trial closure may make to their daily lives.

“We are keen to consider the views of everyone who uses Poole Park, and once the consultation has closed all responses will be reviewed and considered ahead of a decision being made on a permanent closure.”

The consultation will be open until midnight on Tuesday 13 February 2024.

The survey goes live on Wednesday 17 January on Have Your Say.

Paper copies of the questionnaire will also be available on request in any BCP Library.

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