Dorset herdswoman has memoir published


A herdswoman living in Dorset has had her memoir published.

When Mary Buchan, from Marnhull, left school in the early 1950s, she went straight into the male dominated world of farming and applied for a job at Chapel Farm.

Now, her collection of fascinating letters to her mother, have been published in Letters from Chapel Farm published by Tim Saunders Publications.

This was a very exciting but arduous time for Mary, which saw her tackling most farmyard tasks including milking cows, conquering farming related issues and even buying a motorbike which set her apart from other women who pursued domestic or secretarial work.

“This deeply personal book features the letters she sent her mother over the course of a year or so,” says publisher Tim Saunders. “It reveals friendships, romance and how her career progresses.

This memoir is a fascinating historical record celebrating family but also that wonderful form of communication, the letter.”

Letters from Chapel Farm is available online and in all good bookshops.

For more information visit:

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