Dorset Mind announce a new business partner


Salter Mediation, the locally based business mediation specialists, has linked up with Dorset Mind to support the local mental health charity and help them raise funds.

For a period of three months starting on 1st August, Brendan Salter has agreed to donate 50% of his standard mediation fees to the charity. All Dorset based businesses have to do is inform Brendan that they would like him to donate to Dorset Mind at the same time as they appoint him to mediate. He will then ensure 50% of his fee is passed directly to the charity.

Said Brendan Salter of Salter Business Mediation: “People are becoming more aware of mental health issues, especially in the workplace. As a business mediator I wanted to try to help. Dorset Mind are now establishing themselves in West Dorset and demand for their services is increasing. I’ve been thinking of ways I can help them and the simplest option is to make a donation every time we are appointed to handle a Dorset based business case. After that I’ll do the rest.” 

Marianne Storey, CEO of Dorset Mind added “We are very grateful to Brendan for deciding to make this bold and generous move to raise the profile of mental health in Dorset. Difficulties with mental health at work are increasing with people often working long hours, and feeling stressed and anxious because of heavy responsibilities. The stigma of talking about how we are feeling and what we are experiencing is still an enormous problem that stops people seeking help. With people like Brendan opening up conversations with businesses in Dorset, we can start to break down that stigma and start to reach people who need our support.”

Dr Andrew Mayers, Dorset Mind Patron and Principal Academic at Bournemouth University said “I am delighted and grateful that Brendan has chosen to support us in this way. It’s so important that we have more awareness about mental health in the workplace, and appropriate procedures in place to support employees. Brendan has shown that responsible Dorset employers are recognising that”.

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