PCC Martyn Underhill is pleased to announce the appointment of Chris Williams as the new Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset.
Dorset Police and Crime Panel met earlier today, where they considered and agreed to support the proposed appointment of Mr Chris Williams.
Mr Williams, aged 38, will officially take up his new position on 24th June 2013, succeeding Martin Goscomb.
Mr Williams’ previous role was Senior Advisor, Community Safety for the Local Government Association where he led on improving community safety outcomes nationally and representing local government in lobbying Westminster.
Martyn Underhill said: “I welcome the appointment of Mr Williams who excelled in a rigorous selection process, which attracted 39 applicants. Mr Williams has a wealth of experience at national level of Local Government and partnership working. Both of these areas are essential for my office and partners to makeDorsetsafer. I would like to thank Dorset Police and Crime Panel and the other applicants.
“I would also like to thank Martin Goscomb for his loyal service to Dorset Police, Dorset Police Authority and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and I wish him well in his retirement.”
Chris Williams said: “I am very much looking forward to working with Martyn Underhill, the team, the Force and partner agencies in delivering the Police and Crime Plan and to help make Dorset a safer place for those who live, work and visit the county.”