Dorset Council is proposing a temporary extension to the former councils’ rules about dogs in public spaces in order to consult the public and introduce new Dorset-wide Dog-related Public Spaces Protection Orders.

It is proposed that the existing Orders of former West Dorset, East Dorset, Purbeck and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Orders be extended to 31 December 2020. This will allow time for Dorset residents and businesses to have their say on a Dorset-wide Order without the expiry of those current orders, so maintaining public safety.
Cllr. Tony Alford, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Customer, Community and Regulatory Services, said: “The purpose of Dog-related Public Spaces Protection Orders are to make sure that everyone – with or without dogs – can safely enjoy public spaces. The extension to the existing order will keep the public safe while we ask them for their opinions. The council will carefully consider the views of dog owners and other residents who use public places, as well as local businesses. Their views will help us try to strike a balance and reach a good compromise. We hope we will receive a wide range of views in this next consultation.”
The public consultation is proposed to take place for twelve weeks starting in January 2020.
The proposal to extend the existing Orders and the proposed content of the public consultation will be considered at the Place Scrutiny Committee meeting on 24 October 2019.