Everything is bonkers


Regular readers will know I lose the plot from time to time, but I have to say the last month has definitely been one of my more spectacular ones to live through. As a writer, finding I have nothing to say and no way to say it anyway, is itself a crisis. It’s like falling through a hole into another dimension where nothing makes any sense. The trouble is that looking back at the one I’ve come from, nothing makes any sense there either.

I picked up a sandwich in our village Tesco this morning and the guy on the checkout told me he’d just won a six month appeal battle for PIP for his disabled wife. I said I was delighted for them, but that’s the way the system is designed, and he said, ‘That’s why they’re called the Nasty party’. And that’s the point, if there is one, nothing is going to be right until we find a way to wrestle our lives back from the vermin who’ve taken over. And it’s global.

I’ve not been keeping up on the news, I didn’t want to read another news report that said the bastards are still bastards as they reveal their latest filthy trick. But what’s worse, far, far worse, is that 40% of the great British public would still vote for them. That’s the point where my brain falls over, done and busted. We’re living in la la land and 2 plus 2 means any kind of made up shit anyone wants it to.

Some MPs are to gather to hear the last tolls of Big Ben for many years. The BBC reports – “Prime Minister Theresa May has said “it can’t be right” that the famous bongs will not be heard again until 2021 and has asked for the proposals to be reviewed.”

Really? And where were any of them when the Grenfell Tower inferno crime eradicated a still unknown number of lives?

That ‘can’t be right’, they are gone for all fucking eternity, killed by criminal wilful neglect because poor people’s lives don’t matter. Not only that, but the money donated to support the survivors has been stolen by the council and is being denied the victims.

And 40% of the British public will vote for more of the same. That’s insane.
I may be bonkers, but I am not insane.

For Theresa May to say something can’t be right is the babbling dribble of a lunatic, she wouldn’t know what’s right if it hit her repeatedly over the head attached to a heavy club, though I heartily wish it would for the entertainment value.

The Tories are a lying, stinking, cheating, rats arse of a party with no legitimacy other than the super glue they’ve attached to their arses to keep them in power.

But above all, this is personal, day by day they drag us screaming on the road to ruin, life gets harder every day, by increments of wanton destruction.

And I see that Jeremy Hunt is still alive, what a damned shame. If there is a hell then a very special place should be put aside for all the thugs who are hell bent on global ruin and, by right of voting, everyone who supports their evil empire of thuggery.

And if you are inclined to mind slip, as I am, don’t fight it, the universe is probably trying to tell you something, and if you think that the universe speaking to you is mad, imagine if it didn’t and that all you had in life was a world inhabited by the Tories.

And that you voted for them. Now that’s mad.

KOG. 31 August 2017


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