Lucy Letby has been found guilty of seven counts of murder and seven of attempted murder following a 10-month trial at Manchester Crown Court. Jurors were unable to agree on whether she had tried to kill six and acquitted her of two other charges of attempted murder. Letby has been given a whole life sentence without parole.

However, for all of the media coverage one thing was missing. That was the fact that complaints and whistleblowers were continuously brushed aside. Up until now this has been difficult to explain. However, at last the media is waking up as to why. Institutional racism!

According to the Nursing Times:

‘Current RCN President Sheila Sobrany says she believes Ms Letby wasn’t caught sooner because she was white.

A tweet by Ms Sobrany explains, “If we are going to learn anything from this case we need to stop denying that racism is a serious issue in the NHS, this doctor would have been listened to if he was white and Lucy Letby would have been stopped sooner if she wasn’t white”.

Ms Sobrany further added, “This was a serious safeguarding issue that compromised the lives and well-being of babies and subsequently their parents. Dr Ravi Jayram was not listened to or taken seriously.”’

‘As the tragic events unfolded, Consultant Dr Ravi Jayram raised concerns but he was instructed to apologise and attend mediation with Ms Letby. He also claims his job security was threatened and he was actively discouraged from going to the Police.’

Alongside this article multiple media outlets are now catching on to the fact that Lucy Letby’s skin colour enabled her to continue murdering babies as did the skin colour of a whistleblower.

One such media is this fabulous Glamour magazine article in which it explains:

‘Of course, the unspoken subtext being perpetuated in every single article about the Letby case is that there are some people we can imagine perpetrating these crimes and some we just cannot.

Perhaps an immigrant nurse with subpar English and a foreign name could be a fitting figure for these unthinkable murders. We can imagine impoverished murderers, black murderers, and Muslim murderers because that’s the narrative told to us by every tabloid paper going. A Muslim murderer would have their actions linked to terrorism somehow; a black criminal would show how barbaric the non-white are at heart. Those people are capable of violence. But not an English rose in a nurse’s scrubs. Not someone with a “sing-song name”, as one BBC journalist put it.

Consider the fact that a non-white senior colleague reported his suspicions of her to management, and yet he ended up having to be the one to issue a formal apology to her when she (and her parents) objected and claimed she was being bullied. In fact, try and fathom the mere possibility that someone with parents who are not professional, authoritative, or middle-class (read: white) would even be taken seriously by an employer in the first place. I can’t imagine any workplace allowing my immigrant bus driver dad to pressure them into withdrawing a complaint about me. What does it say about how deeply rooted the inequalities in our society are if some people can get a free pass to enact the deadliest crimes because they enjoy a socially-prescribed status as a victim, even in the face of accusation and evidence?

Make no mistake: the socially ingrained image of white women as inherently vulnerable, innocent and fragile is still benefitting Lucy Letby even now – after her guilty verdict and whole-life sentence – and crucially reinforces the chilling fact that as a society, we are yet to learn from how Letby hid in plain sight for so long. How many non-white prolific child killers see their cherubic childhood photos plastered on every front page under headlines emphasising their gentle nature?’

And as this wonderful poem nails it:

The corporate media, the NHS and just about every other UK institution is institutionally racist and no amount of white supremacist, racist denying, anti woke, far right voice will change that.

Penny Lane

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