To answer the question previously posted.

For sure Farage is as dirty as the rest, probably dirtier still. After all, he spent his earlier career in the financial sector so is well wised up on the criminality of Fractional Reserve Banking and creating money and debt from nothing.

I used to really enjoy his tirades against the chiefs of the Marxist EU but now realise it was all cleverly stage managed and he is no more than controlled opposition. He is being quietly groomed to be part of the next coalition. British politics are surely now lined up for coalition after coalition which equates to a one party state, ie a dictatorship, which is the EU plan all along.

He is no more anti EU than the rest of the Westminster crooks, talk is cheap and all he really wants is a seat at the big table, he will prostitute himself to attain just that. The Lib Dems are dead in the water and  kaput, Farage is no fool and knows he is being courted and lined up as the next King maker.

What finished him and UKIP for me is his pro fracking stance. Anyone who thinks this planned abomination of our land is acceptable is a complete lunatic and only concerned with a quick profit. .Enough said on that one.


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