Caroline Lucas has called Nigel Farage’s legacy ‘toxic and unforgivable’ after the UKIP leader stepped down.
She said:
“Farage’s legacy is toxic and unforgivable. He has used his position to whip up hatred against migrants and divert attention from the real challenges this country is facing. During the referendum campaign he did the unimaginable by sinking to new lows. He will be remembered for that disgusting poster, and for using the suffering of refugees for his own political gain.
“Sadly we don’t live in a post-Farage Britain because he lives on through the capitulation of other politicians when it comes to migration. He began a race to the bottom on the issue – and many other politicians sadly followed suit. The biggest Establishment stitch-up in a generation has been blaming migrants for all of the problems we face – and Farage was the front man for this unforgivable campaign. It’s now down to all of us to rebuild a post-referendum Britain – starting with making plain our commitment to a multicultural society committed to healing divisions, rather than stoking the flames of fear.”