It is no mystery why the right wing sympathisers are ridiculed so openly. If they choose, as is their right wing ideological choice, to watch and read garbage then their scrambled minds will regurgitate garbage.

From Fox News to GB News to the Sun, Mail, Express, Telegraph, Breitbart, The Spectator… and on and on the minds of many people are experiencing lies and misinformation on a scale that renders them effectively zombies. They walk the planet but in terms of understanding the political, economic, social and the philosophical they cannot even reach the start line let alone actively participate in a meaninful fashion.

Let us take this example below.

Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer thinks Karl Marx wrote Mein Kampf. “I remember 20 years old going to Trier, Germany and trying to find the home of Karl Marx cuz, y’know, 1848 — he wrote Mein Kampf. I want to know what it’s all about.”

What was the point of going to Karl Marx’s birthplace if he wanted to find the the author of Mein Kampf? He would be better off visiting Braunau am Inn in Austria surely? Bill was almost 650 kilometres off target.

If one orders offal and they get offal they have no one to blame but themselves.

For those who do watch the interminable trash identified above the answer is… Adolf Hitler.

Jason Cridland


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