Poole & East Dorset Art Society (PEDAS) members take a lead from the mercurial talents of 19th century Japanese woodblock printers so admired by Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh. The new PEDAS work is alive with the artists’ illustration of the humour, human affection and forces of nature evident in the work of the Oriental ‘giants’.
A family friendly gallery set in the delightful surroundings of this hundred acre “green flag” country park on the edge of Holes Bay, it offers attractive gardens, walking, play-trail, cycling, picnicking, bird watching and plant sales. The gallery is situated above the Tearooms which serve a selection of light lunches, snacks, drinks and ice-creams.
Free admission, free parking, full disabled access.
23rd May – 9th June, daily 10.30 am – 4 pm, The Gallery Upstairs, Upton Country Park, Poole BH17 7BJ