Composting is a process in which, with the help of soil microorganisms, the mixture of organic materials is transformed into soil humus, rich in food resources. This environmentally friendly way of utilizing household and garden waste provides valuable natural fertilizer that not only turns compacted clay soils and barren sands into fertile terrain, but also maintains optimal soil moisture, suppresses the development of plant diseases, stabilizes acid reaction and recultivates soils contaminated with heavy metals and toxic waste.

Translated from Latin, “compost“ means a mixture. This mixing of ingredients mimics the annual seasonal turnover of organic matter in nature – spring and summer are the seasons during which the earth‘s surface accumulates mainly nitrogen components ( wet and fresh ), and autumn offers abundant cover of carbon ingredients ( dry and crumbly ). Winter is the moment when all the components combine in a
new soil layer, from which in the spring the plants enjoy the necessary nutrients and continue their development. This process is most clearly observed in forests, where if we bury our fingers in the soil we will find that there are several layers of organic matter on the surface, in different stages of decomposition.

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