“I’m starting to think the Tories are actually trying to lose this election,” posted someone on Facebook, earlier today. 

Well, all I can say is that they’re going to have to try harder; much harder. Because if they really are trying to throw the election – and I don’t believe it for a moment – then they are, oh sweet, deathly irony, going to be undone by that which has, hitherto, been their greatest asset; the monumental stupidity and myopic selfishness of the quarter-wits who continue to vote for them. 

Just look at the life they have mapped out for us. They’re going to take the food from our children’s mouths. Then send them off for a lifetime of soul-sapping, zero-hours, minimum-wage drudgery. Or, if your kids are ‘lucky’, off to university to rack up fifty grand of debt. Thereafter, to join the army of serfdom they’d managed to avoid for just a few years. 

All the while praying to God that they never fall ill, as the NHS is sliced and diced and gifted to the soulless creatures of the private sector; watching their odds of winning the lottery overtake those of seeing a pension on which they can actually survive; not that it will matter anyway because we’re all now going to work until the very day we die. Arbeit macht frei, peasants. 

At some point during this journey of misery and despair, between the cradle and the grave, you might be ‘allowed’ to take a year off work, unpaid, of course, to watch your parents die. If you don’t starve to death before them. And then, dear reader, you can watch these unconscionable bastards steal your parents’ house from under their cooling bodies. If you’ve been the selfless compassionate type, who has stayed at home and provided care to your parents, well, you’ll get the added bonus of being tossed onto the street and rendered homeless. As your home is snatched and falls into the hands of those wretched scum who profit from the housing crisis. Or estate agents and landlords, as they insist on being so described. 

And you’re actually going to vote for this, simply because you don’t like the bloke who is trying to save you from it? 



Harry Paterson

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