The agreement to remove sanitary towels and tampons from VAT has been greeted by South West MEP Julie Girling as a victory for common sense and the power of negotiation.
Mrs Girling, Conservative spokesman on equality and women’s rights in the European Parliament, said: “This tax should never have been imposed, but the fact that it is being lifted shows once again that when Britain brings a strong case to the table in Europe our voice is heard.”
The EU’s 28 national leaders, meeting in Brussels, last night agreed a statement welcoming proposals for increased flexibility for member states on VAT “which will provide the option to member states of VAT zero-rating sanitary products”.Conservative MEPs first raised the issue of the so-called tampon tax with Commissioners a year ago, asking why such products should not be zero-rated.Mrs Girling said: “The fact that female sanitary products were taxed as luxury goods would be amusing if it were not so crassly unfair.
“I am pleased our advice and the protests of millions of women have been heard. It shows that while there may be things wrong with the EU, it is not beyond our wit or power to change them for the better.”