The protest announced for 04 November outside the Israeli Embassy has been cancelled due to police intervention.

The police have notified us that they have imposed a condition to prevent people participating in pro-Palestinian protests from gathering outside the Israeli Embassy in Kensington. This condition covers a wide area and significantly restricts our rights to protest.

This is an extremely troubling development, the result of the toxic rhetoric of pro-apartheid politicians in power. We have consistently warned of the growing authoritarianism in the UK and throughout Europe, where governments are enacting legislation aimed at suppressing dissent and opposition. This latest development vividly exemplifies these concerns, as it restricts people from protesting in public spaces, effectively shielding Israel from criticism for its actions that have been widely condemned as war crimes. The UK is now a police state, curtailing rights and freedoms at the whims of a corrupt and dictatorial political class.

For the safety of our community, we have decided to cancel the demonstration outside the Israeli Embassy on 04 November.

We encourage you to attend any local protests in your area that have not been targeted by such draconian anti-democratic powers.

There is no doubt that we will continue to campaign for Palestine to be free from the river to the sea.

Meanwhile, in London on the same day:

We don’t have a government for the UK. We have a government and opposition controlled by Israel.

Britain For The People

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