Announced during an online ceremony, Bournemouth’s Smugglers Cove Adventure Golf, the majestic Upton Country Park in Poole and Yessica Falcon, the indefatigable Manager of the Bournemouth Tourist Information Centre all had well deserved success and recognition at the postponed 2020 Dorset Tourism Awards. 

On the Smugglers Cove Adventure Golf runners-up prize in the Large Visitor Attraction category ,  Manager Yessica Falcon says, “We’re absolutely thrilled to have won silver – it’s a wonderful acknowledgement of all the work done by our engaging and friendly team who have delivered outstanding customer service throughoutthe last 12 months and so soon after opening . Our visitors love the quality and quirky detail of the golf course and our fantastic seafront location is second to none. We are really excited and looking forward to welcoming people back soon and providing many fantastic and fun experiences for all our golfers, residents and visitorsalike.”

Double silver in The Dog Friendly and Business Events and Wedding Venue categories for Upton Country Parkincluding the Grade II Georgian Mansion House, left Cllr Mark Anderson, the portfolio holder for the Environment, Cleansing & Waste delighted. He commented, “We are delighted that Upton Country Park got two Silvers at the prestigious Dorset Tourism Awards. It is brilliant that the judges have recognised the team’s hard work in developing Upton Country Park for the local community and all our visitors to enjoy. We look forward to being able to welcome all our visitors back once restrictions ease to see for themselves.”

There was also individual achievement for Yessica Falcon who has worked on Bournemouth’s Seafront Team for five years, in being recognised as an Unsung Hero for her tireless endeavours and leadership in the town’s modern, sleek Tourist Information Centre and Smugglers Cove Adventure Golf. With a background and extensive knowledge of the hospitality and charity sectors ranging from hotel management and language schools to the RNLI, her passion for providing outstanding customer experiences regularly leads to her going above and beyond.  Yessica said; “I am humbled and really grateful to have been recognised in this way. It’s a special moment, particularly after such a difficult year for everyone, especially in the tourism industry.  Making visitors feel safe and welcome is just part of who you are and achieving it during the pandemic would not be possible without a great team around you.  I am extremely proud of what we have achieved together.”

Further success came to other businesses across the region including three amazing Golds, plus the Winners Winner Prize for Bournemouth’s Marsham Court Hotel. Gold was also the colour for the Picnic Park Delifor being voted Café of The Year and the Pause Cat Café in the Ethical, Responsible and Sustainable category. Deserved recognition was also given to Poole eateries Zim Braai and Oriel on the Quay in the Restaurant and Casual Dining sections and The RNLI college in the Hotel category


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