The Green Party has announced that it intends to field a candidate in every West Dorset and Weymouth & Portland division in the 2nd May County Council elections. This will be the first time every voter in these districts has the chance to vote Green.
One of the Party’s eighteen candidates, Clare Sutton, who is contesting Rodwell in Weymouth said “The Green Party has really burst into life around here recently and we are competing on equal terms with the other Parties. I genuinely believe I can win Rodwell and help break the stranglehold of the old Parties on the County Council. I know many people are disillusioned with politicians but not voting simply ensures more of the same. If you want change, use your vote and vote Green!”
Peter Barton, chair of the West and South Dorset Green Party said, “The County desperately needs new blood on its Council. It needs people who will fight without fear or favour for social justice and environmental initiatives to protect and improve our society. To see the candidate for your division just bring up our website on the internet.” Go to
The eighteen Green Party candidates will be standing on a platform of defending public services, including the NHS and schools, against cuts and privatisation; promoting good, dependable public transport; and opposition to ‘fracking’ for shale gas in Dorset.
At present the Council has a substantial Conservative majority with virtually all the remaining seats held by Liberal Democrats.