Residents across West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland are being asked for their views on the latest modifications to the draft joint Local Plan.
A public consultation will run from 31 July until 11 September 2014 so comments can be made about the changes.
The councils submitted the plan to the Government’s Planning Inspector in June 2013 and a meeting was held in January 2014 to discuss some of the inspector’s comments and concerns.
Both councils agreed to suspend the examination in March 2014 for up to six months to address the issues raised by the Planning Inspector.
One of the main changes is to increase the housing requirement to 775 homes per year across the plan area of West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland. No new sites are proposed at this time, but instead the plan period is being reduced to 2028.
For a full list of changes and to comment on the plan visit
The councils would like to hear the views of the public on the latest changes only. The councils previously consulted on the Local Plan in 2012 and 2013. There is no need to repeat earlier comments as these have been given to the Inspector and they have been considered by the council when proposing changes to the plan.
Cllr Robert Gould, Leader of West Dorset District Council, said: “We have been working hard to address the issues the Planning Inspector raised in January and we would now like to hear the views of the public before the plan is re-submitted.”
Cllr Ian Roebuck, Weymouth & Portland brief holder for Environment and Sustainability, said: “We have taken the comments from the Inspector on board when making the latest changes.”
The draft Local Plan sets out a long term planning strategy to meet future housing, employment and leisure needs.
It also looks at how climate change can be tackled, the environment protected and how future developments can be made more sustainable.
It covers important issues such as where housing could be built, how the economy can be boosted and what infrastructure may be needed.
After the consultation the councils will then analyse the results and submit the plan to the Planning Inspector. The Inspector will then re-open the public examination into the soundness of the plan before it can be adopted.
Comments can be submitted online at, by email at [email protected] or in writing to:
Spatial and Community Policy
West Dorset District Council
South Walks House Council Offices
South Walks Road
Spatial and Community Policy
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
North Quay
If you wish to find out more information about this consultation or the Local Plan, please contact 01305 252386 or email [email protected]