How to Ensure Safe Driving


If you’re driving on public roads, then you owe a kind of duty of care to everyone you might be sharing the road with. By adopting the right driving habits, and taking your responsibilities seriously, you can reduce the risk for everyone – not just yourself and your passengers.

But just what are the right driving habits? Let’s take a look at a few of the more important ones.

Don’t drive distracted

We live in an age of distraction. If you’re operating a motor vehicle while distracted, the results can be disastrous. You might think of your mobile phone, which many drivers now use for satellite navigation, entertainment, and more. But the sources of distraction can be subtler. Even loud music, and conversation with your passengers, can prevent you from fully concentrating on the road in front of you.

Distraction is most problematic at certain points on the road. If you’re spending an hour on the motorway, there’s no harm in listening to a podcast or audiobook. But if you’re pulling out at a busy, unfamiliar junction, it’s best to keep distraction to a minimum.

Watch out for road markings

Staying safe means being informed of the road in front of you. This is where road signs and markings can be very useful. The more signs and road markings you encounter, the more you should be paying attention; they tend to correlate with a challenging road that’s seen plenty of accidents.

Ensure you have car insurance

Car insurance is a legal obligation for drivers on public roads in the UK. Some kinds of insurance protect not just the car itself but also the people in it. You’ll need insurance for any car you haven’t explicitly declared to be off the road.

Wear your seat belt

Seat belts are another legal obligation for UK drivers. You shouldn’t just remember to wear your seatbelt; it should be so habitual that you feel uncomfortable when you haven’t done it. If you fail to wear a seat belt, you’re at risk of being thrown around in the event of a crash, or even being flung through the windscreen.

Eye tests

As part of the modern driving test, candidates must undergo an informal eye exam. They’re invited to read a number plate from a vehicle in the middle distance. But if it’s been decades since you passed the test, your eyesight might have deteriorated. If you want to be safe, therefore, it’s a good idea to get your eyes tested again.

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