CLEAR has published a revised and updated version 2.0 of its plan for the regulation of cannabis in Britain.  This is based on the 2011 study ‘Taxing the UK Cannabis Market’ which CLEAR commissioned from the Independent Drug Monitoring Unit (IDMU).

Peter Reynolds, president and elected leader of CLEAR, said:

“We are publishing these proposals at a crucial time for the discussion about cannabis policy in Britain.  Norman Baker, the new drugs minister, is completing a Home Office review which Nick Clegg has promised will be published before Christmas.  The CLEAR Plan is the result of two year’s intensive study and a public consultation.  It shows that cannabis regulation is a safer, more cost-effective and socially advantageous path for everyone in Britain.”

IDMU was consulted on an updated version of its study but advised that the data has not significantly changed.  Key evidence from the study shows that:

  • The UK cannabis market is worth approx £6 billion per annum
  • More than three tons of cannabis is consumed every day
  • Approx three million people use cannabis regularly, at least once per month
  • A tax and regulate policy could benefit the economy by approx £6.7 billion per annum

‘How To Regulate Cannabis In Britain’ sets out a detailed framework for cannabis regulation.  Its objectives are:

  1. To minimise all health and social harms of cannabis, particularly the involvement of organised crime.
  2. To protect children and the vulnerable through age restrictions, responsible retailing, health education and information.
  3. To maximise the therapeutic and medicinal benefits of cannabis
  4. To promote quality, safety and the development of cannabinoid science.

The plan includes detailed proposals on the establishment of a Cannabis Inspectorate, medicinal use, retail sale, packaging and labelling, cannabis cafes, domestic and commercial cultivation, importation from producer countries such as Afghanistan and Morocco, cannabis social clubs, advertising and promotion.

‘How To Regulate Cannabis In Britain’ can be downloaded here.

‘Taxing the UK Cannabis Market’ can be downloaded here.

Peter Reynolds commented:

“This revised version of the CLEAR Plan considers all the responses to the public consultation along with advice from doctors, lawyers, policymakers, police officers and both medicinal and recreational users. The most important change is that we have removed the proposal for domestic cultivation licences. It was unpopular and the costs of enforcing such a measure would be counterproductive. I think once a regulated market is established, growing your own will become a minority pursuit, much like home wine or beer making.”

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