She takes two years to draw up a basic Brexit white paper. She loses key members of her Cabinet over it. 4 days later she rips it up.

After having taken 2 whole years to draft and publish it.

She then calls for an early recess in order to avoid any leadership challenge. She then backtracks on that. She lies in Parliament when she says that the vote pairing incident at the crucial customs vote ‘was a mistake’, when numerous of her own MPs have stated that it was deliberate.

Anything left nationalised in the process of privatisation. The NHS, the Welfare State, Social Housing. The whole aim all along has been to get a no deal Brexit and blame it on the EU aided and abetted by her rabid fascist rich tax evading chums in the British mainstream media. Then sell Britain to the Americans.

Liam Fox pushed through legislation today that will allow chlorinated chicken to enter the British foodchain. Does anyone not see how obsequious she is in front of the Orange Fart? Her husband is a chief executive of an Investment Fund company worth £1.4 trillion, that makes its profits from tax evasion. Fact.…/theresa-may-philip-may-amaz…

Ladies and Gentlemen. Watch it without your jaw dropping if you can. I give you the most corrupt, the worst, the most inept, and the most useless Prime Minister this country has ever known.

Theresa May.

I dare you to watch this without your lower jaw dropping and burying itself and forming roots.

Eddy Abs

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