Prime Minister
I would thank you for your proposal to raise the income tax threshold to £12,500 if it wasn’t for the fact that it will be of not one single ounce of help to people already below it, and already below even the £10,500 limit that is already in place. Government, it seems, has now gone from giving with one hand and snatching back with the other, to simply not giving in the first place and, as we hear, probably still intending to take away via a further rise in VAT. Does it not occur to any of your desperate morons in your think (HAHA!!) tanks that people out here haz got us edikayshun these days, and we know that 20% equals one fifth? So we’re already paying one fifth over and above the true value of the products that we buy, and your goon squad at the Treasury wants to charge us even more? Have they heard of lead balloons, I wonder?
How IDS can be even considering levying a tax upon DLA/PIP is beyond me, as most of the recipients of this essential survival income are far, far below the lowest ratchet setting on the tax threshhold. I have to presume, as a member of the Upper House recently said that £300 a day was just too fwightfully difficult to live on, don’tcherknow, that the minimum per capita income for every UK citizen is to be raised to this amount with immediate effect, so we can all have a fair crack at this “surviving” game.
Perhaps if you stopped and considered that the further money that Osborne plans to claw back from the poor is about to be totally wasted on yet another unwinnable and politician-manufactured war in the Middle East (YAWWWWNNNN!!!) it might strike you as being more sensible to plug that money into something of benefit for the lower levels of earners and those who cannot earn at all, and pull our seriously overstretched and once again antiquated RAF Widowmakers out of that American-desired punch-up and just let them get on with it. Maybe, then, China – who are the largest investors in the region – will find sufficient reason to defend their OWN investments instead of leaving it up to our nation’s Mums and Dads to welcome their children home in coffins and body-bags?
We are sick to the back teeth of fighting your bankster friends’ wars for them and topping up your arms-dealing buddies’ coffers. If you want this war, then YOU put on a set of combat fatigues and go over and bloody well fight it yourselves! I’ll lay odds of 10-1 that the number of false flag operations, like 9/11, 7/7 and the killing of Lee Rigby would soon disappear if the active participation of you, Obama, Kerry, and so on, in frontline operations for the duration of hostilities, was a pre-requisite for committing the lives of others to them. What size boots does Old Man Rothschild take? I have a spare pair he could probably use in the bottom of my wardrobe, which would help keep the cost down a bit, because we’re all in this together after all, aren’t we? It’s amazing what kind of stuff one retains from one’s own Service days, and they were second-class quality even back in the 1980s so he’d get a real feel of what it’s like to be a Serviceman fighting alongside our Trans-Atlantic cousins who won’t go anywhere unless they can take WalMart and Sears-Roebuck with them.
As long as this, and any other, government can find money for manufactured wars outside our own borders, I will be shouting “NO TO FURTHER AUSTERITY!!” from the highest rooftops I can find. (As long as the buildings concerned each have a lift, because stairs are not an option in my disabled condition.)
Oh…. and arresting me for being a non-violent extremist who will criticise you at every opportunity may be carried out by appointment only. Contact my secretary at the local Job Centre, who can tell you what 3AM spaces are free in my diary. That will help me to warn the neighbours to get an early night in so they don’t lose any sleep when your pet police come kicking at the door with their size 9s. We have a hell of an echo in the stairwell here, you see, so we try to be as considerate of each other as we can. It’s a community thing, which I know you won’t understand but – trust me – it’s a very important behaviour to maintain.
Darren Lynch