Ordinary people (whatever that means) should be invited to share their stories and their rationale for adopting particular behaviour within the media. Dorset Eye welcomes any voice and to start us off Keith Lindsay talks to Philip Anderson about why he sends a letter to David Cameron every day and why party politics is no longer relevant in Britain today. Keith argues that no political party now has any relevance to the general population and that the wrong people are in the positions of power and they should be replaced by the right people.

Keith also talks about how he was physically and sexually abused as a child in care homes and by an uncle. He experienced ‘frozen trauma’ in public places in which he found himself incapable of moving. He suffered bed wetting and was ‘thrown to the goats outside’. Keith then goes on to explain how he turned his life around… Here is Keith’s story.

You may find certain aspects of this interview disturbing.

The Interview

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