Would you like to interview your parents/grandparents/aunties & uncles… and have them published at Dorset Eye? Humorous or serious it doesn’t matter. Any questions (perhaps some about growing up locally and the changes they have experienced would be good). Simply send them to us with a pic and we will publish.
Submit via site or via [email protected]
This is the first:
WITHOUT any prompting, ask your child these questions & write down EXACTLY what they say. It’s a great & funny way to find out exactly what they think.
Child’s Name: Chris
Age: 25
1. What is something Mummy always says to you? Fuck Off
2. What makes Mummy happy? Cider
3. What makes Mummy sad? No cider
4. How does Mummy make you laugh? She doesn’t
5. What was Mummy like as a child? No idea
6. How old is Mummy? I don’t know
7. How tall is Mummy? 5 foot 6
8. What is Mummys favourite thing to do? Eat kebabs
9. What does Mummy do when you’re not here? I don’t know
10. If Mummy becomes famous what will it be for? Tax evasion
11. What is Mummy really good at? Procrastinating
12. What is Mummy NOT very good at? Walking the dog
13. What is Mummys job? Fucktard organiser
14. What makes you proud of Mummy? Lots of things – independency
15. What is Mummys favourite food? Kebab
16. What do you & Mummy do together? Watch TV
17. How are you & Mummy the same? We’re related
18. If your Mummy was a cartoon character who would she be? Pingu
19. How are you & Mummy different? I don’t like cider
20. How do you know Mummy loves you? BLTs for my lunch
21. Where is Mummys favourite place to go? Bowleaze
22. How old was Mummy when she had you? 26
Nikki Palmer