If ever there was an example of innocent members of the public voicing their anger and frustration at their sociopathic government following another genocidal intervention, this is it. Likud Party members were driven out of the hospital they were visiting as part of a media opportunity. However, it turned hostile when members of the public recognised where the ultimate blame really lies.

Two Israeli ministers were driven out of a hospital by people angry at the government’s handling of the conflict with Palestine.

Idit Silman, an environment minister, left the Assaf Harofeh Hospital in Tzrifin, central Israel, after being confronted by visitors and staff.

Footage shows Ms. Silman, a member of Netanyahu’s Likud Party, being berated by a hospital visitor, who shouts, “You’ve ruined this country! Get out of here!”.

And do not forget who is complicit in the Likud party’s genocidal spree:

Douglas James

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