Three experienced water sports coaches are helping encourage over 55’s to take to the water at the Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre (WOEC).

For a subsidised £5 for a two-hour session on Monday morning’s, the coaches are helping people try a range of water activities at a relaxed pace.

The Seafarers Over 55 Club has tried their hands at everything from sea kayaking to stand-up paddle boarding and sailing dinghies along the Jurassic shoreline.

The club is supported by Active Dorset and has received a grant of nearly £6,000 through Sport England’s Together Fund and is trying to match the coaches to the groups by providing likeminded mentorship.

It hopes to start a kayak club for adults on a Friday to complement the existing Monday morning Seafarers Club.

Water sports coach Lesley Kaye said she had tried a number of sports when she was younger but nothing had inspired her until she discovered sailing: “ I found sailing at nearly 40 and it literally changed my life.  I became so passionate about sailing that I first became a sailing instructor, then windsurfing, powerboating and SUP boarding instructor because I really want to spread the joy of water sports with others and how it might enhance their lives too.’

 ‘It has been great coaching the social seafarers and proves that you can take up water sports at any age as there is an activity to suit everyone.  It is just a case of trying out the different range of water sports activities WOEC offers to find one that suits you best.  It is also great way of taking advantage of our beautiful environment and meeting new people as it is very social.’

Cllr Jane Somper, Portfolio lead for Adult Services, Health and Housing, welcomed the initiative: “This is a fabulous opportunity for people to forge new friendships and try some exciting outdoor activities along our beautiful coastline. These types of sports are great for health and well-being and it’s great that the teaching is coming from such experienced coaches.”

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