Remember, before you read anymore, that the dead cannot defend themselves, and the living (in this case) have very rich and powerful propaganda machines.

Newly unsealed court documents have revealed a list of names connected to Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, and alleged sexual abuse victims. Among those named are Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Stephen Hawking. The documents, stemming from a 2015 defamation case filed by Virginia Giuffre against Maxwell, were ordered to be made public by US judge Loretta Preska.

Judge Preska ruled that certain individuals should be named, especially those who had already spoken to the media. While many mentioned in the documents are not accused of any wrongdoing, they include high-profile friends of Epstein’s and victims who have come forward publicly.

The documents detail instances like Johanna Sjoberg’s testimony, where she claimed that in 2001, Prince Andrew touched her breast at Epstein’s Manhattan apartment. Buckingham Palace has strongly denied these allegations.

Sjoberg also mentioned incidents aboard Epstein’s jet, including a diversion to Atlantic City, where Epstein suggested visiting a casino owned by Donald Trump. However, there’s no indication that Trump was involved in any illicit activities mentioned in the documents.

Moreover, the documents include references to conversations about Bill Clinton allegedly liking younger individuals. However, these claims are vehemently denied by Clinton’s spokesperson, who stated that he hadn’t interacted with Epstein in over a decade and knew nothing about his criminal activities.

These revelations come from the initial batch of 250 documents set to be unveiled, shedding light on Epstein’s associates and allegations surrounding his illicit activities. Ghislaine Maxwell is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence for aiding Epstein in the sexual abuse of underage girls.

The list in more detail:

  1. Ghislaine Maxwell
  2. Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
  3. Kathy Alexander
  4. Miles Alexander
  5. James Michael Austrich
  6. Philip Barden
  8. Cate Blanchett
  9. David Boies
  10. Laura Boothe
  11. Evelyn Boulet
  12. Rebecca Boylan
  13. Joshua Bunner
  14. Naomi Campbell
  15. Carolyn Casey
  16. Paul Cassell
  17. Sharon Churcher
  18. Bill Clinton
  19. David Copperfield
  20. Alexandra Cousteau
  21. Cameron Diaz
  22. Leonardo DiCaprio
  23. Alan Dershowitz
  24. Dr. Mona Devanesan
  26. Bradley Edwards
  27. Amanda Ellison
  28. Cimberly Espinosa
  29. Jeffrey Epstein
  30. Annie Farmer
  31. Marie Farmer
  32. Alexandra Fekkai
  33. Crystal Figueroa
  34. Anthony Figueroa
  35. Louis Freeh
  36. Eric Gany
  37. Meg Garvin
  38. Sheridan Gibson-Butte
  39. Robert Giuffre
  40. Al Gore
  41. Ross Gow
  42. Fred Graff
  43. Philip Guderyon
  45. Shannon Harrison
  46. Stephen Hawking
  47. Victoria Hazel
  48. Brittany Henderson
  49. Brett Jaffe
  50. Michael Jackson
  51. Carol Roberts Kess
  52. Dr. Karen Kutikoff
  53. Peter Listerman
  54. George Lucas
  55. Tony Lyons
  56. Bob Meister
  57. Jamie A. Melanson
  58. Lynn Miller
  59. Marvin Minsky
  61. David Mullen
  62. Joe Pagano
  63. Mary Paluga
  64. J. Stanley Pottinger
  65. Joseph Recarey
  66. Michael Reiter
  67. Jason Richards
  68. Bill Richardson
  69. Sky Roberts
  70. Scott Rothstein
  71. Forest Sawyer
  72. Doug Schoetlle
  73. Kevin Spacey
  74. Cecilia Stein
  75. Mark Tafoya
  76. Brent Tindall
  77. Kevin Thompson
  78. Donald Trump
  79. Ed Tuttle
  80. Emma Vaghan
  81. Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
  82. Cresenda Valdes
  83. Anthony Valladares
  84. Maritza Vazquez
  85. Vicky Ward
  86. Jarred Weisfeld
  87. Courtney Wild
  88. Bruce Willis
  89. Daniel Wilson
  90. Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York

Was Epstein murdered to keep him quiet?

We will probably never know.

Epstein’s Little Black Book

Epstein: A member of the Trilateral Commission

The FBI had sight of these documents a long time ago. Part of their job is to protect the USA within global politics. These revelations, although interesting, are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what very powerful people get up to in our name. Our ethos internationally should be:

There is an obvious sickness at the heart of the international establishment that we would be wise to help bring down.

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