Despite all the corporate media nonsense about the 2019 election results, facts always rise to the surface eventually. As we know the right wing establishment killed off democracy once and for all with their lies and libel.

However, if Sir Starver thought he could ignore the REAL Labour voters he was extremely mistaken. Many, in the population, may fall for their bull**** but many certainly do not.

As Pam Crossland points out Uxbridge and Ruislip was a disaster given how vile the Tories are now recognied to be.

‘Oh dear – looking at results from elections in Uxbridge.

In 2017 Lab (leader Corbyn) – 18,682

In 2019 Lab (leader Corbyn) – 18,141

In 2023 Lab (leader Kid Starver) – 16,456.

So when the Starmerhoids start spinning it as some kind of success for Starmer, remind them of the above figures.’

and for Selby:

2017 Labour (Corbyn) 19,149 votes

2023 Labour (Starmer)

16,456 votes

(Patricia Smart)

Despite the corporate media and their nonsense some people refuse to die of ignorance.

Douglas James

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